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Only complete this Staff Application if you were directed to do so by Martha Furman.


​If you were asked to complete this application, you will need the following information before you begin the registration process:

  • Picture of your insurance card  (front and back)

  • Emergency Contact information (name, phone & email).

  • Allergies (food and environmental ie. bees)

  • Picture of loved one if you have experienced the loss of a loved one.

  • Approximately 10 minutes to complete the necessary forms.


Once you begin the Registration Process, you will need to complete all required questions and forms as the information is not saved.  If you stop the Registration Process before completion, you will need to begin again.

Upload Picture of Ins. Card
Upload Picture of Ins. Card
Have you previously volunteered for Camp Braveheart
Is your Registered Driver's License Address the same as above?
Receive Text Messages
Staff's Gender
ADULT T-Shirt Size
YOUTH T-Shirt Size
Emergency Contact Information - 2 Required
Is your Emergency Contact's Address Same as above?
2nd Emergency Contact Information - Required

Medical and Allergy Information

Do you have any medical conditions or special needs?
Do you have any food or medication allergies?
Have you had a Background check completed in the last year?
Do you have Children? Note: only one parent /gardian needs to complete this area for the camper.

Medical and Allergy Information for each Child

Do any of the children listed have any medical conditions or special needs?
Do any of the children listed have any have any food or medication allergies?
Have you lost a loved one?

IMPORTANT:  Please describe your relationship and some information about the person.

Upload one or more pictures of your Loved One to use during camp memorial.

Upload Picture
Upload Picture
Upload Picture
Have you lost another loved one?

IMPORTANT:  Please describe your relationship and some information about the person.

Upload one or more pictures of your Loved One to use during camp memorial.

Upload Picture
Upload Picture
Upload Picture

IMPORTANT: Click the button below to finalize and submit your application.  

Please carefully read the instructions on the next page

to finalize and submit based on your requested capacity to serve.

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